Dare Sham
One of the historical , natural , and holy valleys by the
Extended From the crossing point of Arex river with Aq – chay to the near of
One of the settlement places in many years. In the past it was one of the residential places but now, it is out of population. According to Emil Hakoupin Some of the historical monuments existing in Dare Sham are: The shrine of saint Hovans, The church of of Madonna, The church of saint sirkiss, the shrine of Jerjiss…. Other monuments by the Arax river are Chupan's Church, the stony bridge of Zia – almolk, Khoje Nazar Caravansary, Dozal Tower, Kordasht, Complex, ….
Stephanus was one of the Christian believers
Being martyred. He was symbol of firm pious
Men who got the title of "Nakhavqa" means the
First martyr.
To remember him, the church called
The church is Iocated in the 19 Km of west side of
Jolfa at Qezel Vang village. The building of the church
Is situated inside a castle and all the existing monuments
Of the complex are called "Vang Saint Stephanus".
Although religious ceremonies done in the church, it has
Been a place of gathering scholars, calligraphers, painters,
illuminators, philosophers, authors, historians, and scientists.
The Original date of the church is not known
Believes differ about its date, some date back to the beginning
Of Christianity but others believe that it dates back to safavid era.
The architectural style, materials, and ornaments show that like other
Churches such as Tateous, it constructed between 10th – 12th centuries.
It's architectural style is composition of Urartian, Parthian, and Roman
Known as Armenian.
The monument has been restorated several times.
Once, it was reconstructed in 1827 by Regent Abbas Miza in the 30 year
Wars of
Simultaneously with the restorations. The devotion has been described on the
Entrance inscription in Farsi. The complex hea 4 parts, Church, Old church,
Monastery, and its Fence. The interior part Of chapel ornamented with delicate
Paintings on plaster done in safavid and Qajar eras. The designs are arabesques
And angels with 6 wings. Inside the church is in the cross shape and composed
Of Porch, chapel, and alter. There are 3 chapels inside the monument belonging
To Qajar era. The exterior walls of church covered with carvings, arches, and
Moqarnass. Also on the 4 exterior walls, there are beautiful cameos in which
On the east side, St Stephanus, being stoned to death, on the west, Crossing
The Christ, on the north Ascending of the Christ, and on the south Christ in
The bosom of Madonna.
A few facts about ARAS zone
ARAS free Zone, with Jolfa as it center,is located in extreme north of NOrth-West Iran. it is Iocated on bank of ARAXRiver .The beautiful ARAX RIVER is natural border Of Iran with Azerbijan Republic,Armenia and Autonomous Republic of Nakhjavan.
Surface area ARAS free Zone, is about 100,000 hectares and is Located between two of most beautiful protected areas of Iran , Namely KIAMAKI and ARASBARAN. Its distance from Tabriz, Industrial hud of north-west Iran and also second City in Iran is about 137 Kilometers.
ARAS free Zone is Iocated in semi dry and semi cold North-West of Iran. Annual rain fall is about 225 to 400 Milliliter per year and average temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius. In Jolfa, About 50 days per year re considered cold days. ARAS free Zone, is in very close approximately of high mountains. These high mountains have cold climate.
Beautiful nature and rich history make ARAS free Zone, a paradise for tourism.
High mountains such as KIAMAKI with elevation of 3347m,MOHAMMADSAHEHWith elevation of 3200m, DAGLAR with elevation of 1303 and other mountain ranges such as KANTAL, DIVANDAG and DOSTASHA mountain range make this Area a hud for mountaineers.Every year thousands of mountaineers came to jolfa to enjoy beautiful scenery and fresh air of these magnificent mountains. ARAX River is another local attraction for nature lovers.
ARASBARAN wildlife protected area with its unique flora and KIAMAKI wildlife protected area with its diverse fauna, are other main tourist attractions. The area is inhabited from antiquity and has a very rich and colorful history.
Jolfa special lndustrial zone:
Jolfa spcial lndustrial Zone is located ARAS free zone. since its establishment, tens of companies have established factories and offices in it.
TO name some:
automobile and motorcycle industry
metal smoldering industry
Solar water heaters production
Car batteries production
Zinc and Copper cathode production
private warwhouses.....
Agricultural complexes:
fertile lands and ARAX River are made ARAS free Zone, a paradise for agricultural projects. thousands of hectares of fertile land between jolfa and Hadishahr are set aside for huge agricultural developmentS.
GORDIAN and GULFARAJ Agricultural projects have already been started. Due to ARAX Dam and its power plant, huge water networks, Natural gas availability and fiber Glass communication networks, make the area very attractive for establishing companies and factories.
MInes and ore stones:
There are almost old type of maiger ores found in regin:
This mines are either located in zone or very close by. Like in; Armenia: KACHRAN copper mines
azerbaijan: Aluminum powdered ore
and in iran the huge copper mine of SUNGHON and other essential mines.
JolfaCustom is more the 100 years old. It is second busiest entry and exit point in Iran. It is also the sixth busiest custom office fpr transported goods in Iran.
The most important terminals of ARAS free Zone are:
Jolfa wood bridge terminal (Between Iran and Autonomous Republic of nakhjavan) It was constructed during world war two. It is 250 meters long and 8 meters wide. After 1990 with end of cold war and start of free traveling for inhabitants of both sides, it was renovated. They are plans to build another bridge beside it.
Nurduz terminal (Between Iran and Armenia)
65 kilometers from Jolfa and in front of Armenian city of Agarat, it is the only Terminal,connecting two countries. It opened up in 1990, after compltion of trans-border auto-way.
There are two major airports in close proximities of ARAS Free Zone tabriz International Airport, Distance 137 Kilometers Nachjvan International Airport, Distance37 Kilometers These airport are ARAS Free Zone Gateway with world.
Commercial Advantages:
ARAS Free Zone, due to its prime Iocation ( being in border of Republic of Azerbijan and Armenia, and its proximity to Russia, Caucasia , Turkey, Europe, Central Asia and Black sea has the potential to become focal point business in whole region.
ARAS Free Zone
Establishments of ARAS Free Zone was eatablished on 24th of August 2003. Business of establishing the Zone was started a few months later with appointments of President of ARAS Free Zone and his 3 board members.
Management goals:
- Job creation for local inhabitants
- Encouraging foreign investments Zone
- Making Zone, main commercial centre for whole region.
Proximity to Republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Caucasia, Russia and black sea region makes investment in Zone very profitable and attractive.
ARAS Free Zone can easily transfer itself to:
- Largest Iand port in region
- A center for mega-agricultural projects
- An industrial center for whole region
- A Tourist heaven due to its natural splendid and rich historical background
And other major advantage of Zone is (cutting sea and inland transport time between central Asia and South Asia to 15 days, from present 60 days time span)
Advantages of investing in ARAS Free Zone :
15 years of total tax exemption from production start date
- Multiple visa free entry for foreign investors and visa issuance in 48 hours for Business prospectors
- No hustle money exchange and no limitation on transferring money in or out of country
- Banking flexibility
- Legal protection of investors rights
- No legal limitation on amount of money being invested for investors
- Custom exemption for importing raw material and machinery
- Freedom of 100% foreing - owned investment
- Long term land lease facility for foreign and Iranian investors and Land
- Ownership title forIranian investors.
- Operating rights for foreign banks and financial institutes
- Operating rights for private insurance companies with local or foreign Investments
- Right to Import virtually all goods to ARAS Free Zone (Except goods that are not allowed by Islamic laws)
- Re-exporting of foreign origin goods with minimal regulations
- Right of importing goods to interior of country ( some rules applies )
- Relaxed labor laws
There are no restrictions on exporting gooVds made in Zone, to Interior of country. A small " Value added fee " will be charge only on imported parts and row materials . There is a simple formula to calculate how much of goods entering to interior of country, is tax free and how much tax will be levied on remaining percentage of goods . As follows :
( A sample of calculation )
Suppose value of good is 100$ and value of imported parts and row materials are 30$, Tax free percentage of good that can be exported to interior is (100$-30$) / 100$=%70 of goods canbe exported to interior without any taxes .
The rest will be taxes only on imported parts and very small value added fee will be charge on them.
ARAS Free Zone has a host of advantages for almost any type of investment.
Its fertile land is suited for agricultural developments and animal husbandry.
Availability of ARAX River water eliminates water shortage problem.
Som of the agricultural related projects, which have been studied thoroughly, are:
Omamental plans cultivation project
Fruit nectar concentration plant project
Forestry projects
- Pulp and paper plants project
- Meat packing project
- Fish ponds project
- Agricultural waist recycling plant project and so on
- Dairy products project
- Leather production project
-Silk production project
Also due to high concentration of mines in vicinity of ARAS Free Zone, mining has huge business potential. There are confirmed deposits of copper, aluminum and molybdenum ores in area. Iran is a petroleum conutry and petrochemical plants can find huge customer base in region.
Rich history and unsurpassable nature of area around ARAS Free Zone, make it a heaven for eco-tourist. There will be huge market for eco-tourism related business such as Hotels,Recreational centers, cultural centers and sport centers.
Proximity of major urban areas to ARAS Free Zone makes it ideal place for service and high-tech business. Other great opportunities can be fpund in jewelry sector, textile and re-usable energy (Either solar wind generated electricity) Re-exporting of consumer goods is another promising sector.
Regulation concerning importing goods to ARAS Free Zone:
Virtually, all goods, except the ones prohibited by Islamic laws or originated in Israel, can be brought in with minimal legal hustles and very low value added fee. All investors are obliged to respect necessary regulation concerning health issues, cultural issues and security issues of their goods. The existing low Value added fee for goods is main revenue source of ARAS Free Zone and all revenue will be spent on improving ARAS Free Zone facilities.The ratio of This Value added fee will be compatible with amount set by other Free Zones.
Regulation concerning exporting goods from ARAS Free Zone:
- All construction materials and aslo all machinery and raw materials and sparts, in scope of project, are exempt from value added fee.
- A small service fee will be applied for above items.
- Personal car and boats are not considered as essential items.
- For all other goods a value added entry fee and a service fee will be charged. In case of re-exporting said goods, value added entry fee will be refunded(except for one third of on percent which will be hold as transit fee)
- Bringing goods for warehousing purpose is subject to internal laws of ARAS Free Zone.
-All goods brought in for purpose of reexporting, packing, grading or to be display at fairs are subject only to small service fee.(In case, these goods be traded or be given to other parties all normal regulations and restricions will be applied upon them.)
Regulation concerning exporting goods from ARAS Free Zone:
- ARAS Free Zone can issue "Certificate of Origin" for all goods exported from there. All governmemtal organizations and officials in country are obliged to accept this "Certificate of Origin".
- All manufactured goods, regardless of domestic or foreing origin of its row materials, Can be exported from ARAS Free Zone
- All manufactured goods in ARAS Free Zone intended to be exported to Iran, are exempt from any custom duties on value added and Iranian row materials. Duties will be levied only to foreign row material and imported parts used in porduction.
- Domestic products made iniside ARAS Free Zone, intended to be exported out of country are subject to same rules as above. All general import-export regulations are aslo applicable.
- All goods and products entering ARAS Free Zone for modification or completion purposes, can be taken out of ARAS Free Zone without paying any fee. In this case value added fee will be calculated only for extra parts and modification done.
- Return of all unmodified goods to their original destination is allowed (with obtain of permission from ARAS Free Zone authorities, regardless of their domestic or foreign origin)
- All Goods can be taken out of ARAS Free Zone for repair or completion without any re-entry fee.
- Exporting all goods are permitted from ARAS Free Zone with exception of goods prohibited by Islamic laws.
"Entry to and exit from "regulations of ARAS free Zone:
lranian nationals: lranian Nationals can enter from any entry point to ARAS free Zone with very little legal hustles. ln the other hand, leaving ARAS free Zone, requira avalid passport and passing custom regulations. (Except for lranian living in Zone area)
Foreign nationals:They are no visa requirements to enter ARAS free Zone. permitted staying time in ARAS free Zone is two weeks and will be extended Up to six months upon receive of extension request from zones' authorities. Foreign nationals wish to enter country after arriving to ARAS free Zone, should submit their request to lran foreign affair office authorities in ARAS free Zone. these requests will be processed in less than 48 hours.
Mobil : +98 ( 912 ) 293 2307
Mobile:+98(914) 491 6790
Best Regards
ELhami Asghar